Tokyo, July 2, 2011 Saturday: Tibetans and Japanese celebrated the 76th Birth Anniversary of His Holiness the Dalai Lama today at Hotel Okura in the heart of Tokyo city. Liaison office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama for Japan & East Asia organized the event on the day - four days in advance to coincide with a weekend holiday.
The celebration started with the offering of Long-life prayer and Mendrel Tensum, to the portrait of His Holiness the Dalai Lama by Mr. Lhakpa Tshoko, the Representative of Liaison office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama for Japan & East Asia, and the Tibetans.
Representative Lhakpa Tshoko in his opening speech welcomed the guests and thanked them for their warm participation in the event. He briefly narrated the contribution of His Holiness the Dalai Lama not only in Tibetan society but also in international arena in promoting human values, peace, justice and democracy. "Because of His leadership and vision, today Tibetan people are moving steadily ahead along with the international community with a system of democratically elected leadership. In this regard, China is still behind us." He said.
Mr. Makino Seishu of Democratic Party of Japan, Chairman of Japan Parliamentarians Group for Tibet, wished His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans for the occasion. He said he was fortunate enough to have a good number of opportunities to be with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and was always impressed and humbled by His unflinching faith in non-violence and human goodness. He said instead of vilifying His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Chinese leadership needs to learn about democracy and harmonious society from His Holiness.
Mr. Makino informed the gatherings that some of the founding members of Japanese Parliamentarians are at the helm of Japan's ruling party. "DPJ wants to maintain good relationship with China, this is important, but we will do our best to have the dream of Tibetans people and vision of His Holiness the Dalai Lama realized at the earliest possible." He said.
Representative from Koyasan University, Wakayamaken, who will host the visit of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Japan this year greeted the assembly and highlighted the schedule of the visit. Dr. Nagamine of Okinawa, and Mr. Kondo, Chairman of Osaka Seinen Chamber of Commerce, who hosted His Holiness the Dalai Lama's visit last year, briefed the gathering about how His Holiness' visit and His message of peace and harmony stirred the heart of monks and lay people alike in the regions.
Professor Ishihama of Waseda University, spoke on the impact of change in the Tibetan political system with the devolution of secular power by His Holiness the Dalai Lam to a democratically elected popular leadership. She termed this as a turning point in Tibetan history, and extolled the leadership of His Holiness and His vision to make Tibetan issue relevant and living through democratization of Tibetan polity.
As for the entertainment, a Japanese Dra-nyen [tibetan lute] Club, headed by Mr. Toshi Kuga presented a splendid dra-nyen performance, singing a song titled, 'dawai-shonnu' [a young moon]. Ms Naoko and her students of Gagatoto [Happy Joyful] group played dra-nyen and sang 'pangyen metok' song. The delightful performance of the songs by Japanese in Tibetan traditional dress was well received by the audience with thunderous applause and encore request.
Mr. Usui, a professional photographer contributed a mini photo exhibition of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Mr. Maeno Hironori, a Japanese Kadoka [florist] and his staff contributed flower arrangement and decoration of the stage. Some noted Tibet supporters have also sent flowers with warm messages for the auspicious occasion.
Around two hundred people attended the celebration, people have come from neighboring prefectures, some people have come all the way from faraway regions like Okinawa, Kyushu, Osaka etc. The celebration concluded with a vote of thanks from Mr. TG Arya of Liaison office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
Tibetan community in Japan organized a Tibetan Fashion Show and Momo Party on the day at Joenji, a Japanese temple in Shinjuku city.
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