was only a part of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty, it was neither the authority nor
the inheritor of the dynasty
Abstract: Tibet
has been an independent state politically and historically before its invasion
by the communist China in 1950. People's Republic of China (PRC) claims Tibet
as a part of China on various unfounded historical pretexts, most notably the
Yuan Empire [1271-1368 CE], which ruled the eastern part of the Mongol empire.
China says that it inherited Tibet from the Yuan dynasty when the Chinese Ming
took over in 1368 CE. This paper will examine the relationship between Tibet
and Mongol around that time to see if the Chinese claim has any substance in
the matter, or is it just a propaganda gimmick to distort historical facts to
satisfy their political agenda.
Mongolia was once dominated by
various warring nomadic tribes and it was Genghis Khan who put Mongolia in the
world map and history through his conquests. The major tribes during the time
of Genghis Khan were: the Tartars in the east, the Keraits in the center, the
Merkits and Ongut in the north, the Naimans in the west, Olkhunut, Bayud, Khongirad, Kirghiz, Oirats and so forth.[1]
Genghis Khan born as Temuchin in 1162, heunited these warring independent
tribes and became the Great Khan. He went onto consolidate the largest
contiguous empire in world history. Mongol Khanate in Russia and Europe; the
Yuan empire in the present day China, Burma and Koreas in the east; Chagatai
Khanate in the present day Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kirghizsthan etc.; and
Ilkhanate in Persia, the present day Iran, Iraq, Turkey etc. [Map-4 of DIIR,
The Mongols and Tibet]

Tibet also came under the
Mongol's influence around those times and later developed a close and special
relationship with the Mongol and its people. It was not a relationship of the
conqueror and the conquered, of the subduer and the subdued. There emanated a
unique Priest-patron [Tib: chos-yon] relationship which navigated their
political and spiritual pursuits. This relationship was mutually beneficial;
for the Tibetans, it gave them full autonomy and protection against any
invasion; for the Mongolians, it gave their Emperors legitimacy to rule and its
people a profound Buddhist philosophical teachings and moral foundation.
The Mongols came to the
Tibetan border for the first time in 1207 and 1209, when Genghis Khan attacked
the Tangut of Hsi Hsia Kingdom[2]
in the north of Tibet[3].
Tibet submitted to the Mongols and agreed to pay tribute and thus was spared
invasion. But it was only in 1226 that Mongol finally subjugated the Tangut,
Genghis Khan died the year after and Tibet stopped paying tribute to the
Mongols. A Tibetan text Horchos 'byun, says Tibet submitted to Genghis Khan and
the latter adopted Buddhism. Some scholars say this could be erroneous, Tangut
is known in Tibet as Mi-nyag and the conquest of Mi-nyag was taken as conquest
of Tibet[4].
Prince Godan, the second son
of Ogodai [the 3rd son of Genghis Khan] attacked Tibet in 1240 in which Reting
monastery and Gyal Temple were destroyed, and some 500 monks and civilians were
Later, Prince Godan realized that although the Mongols were powerful and
strong, they lack the strong moral and spiritual civilization of Tibet. He
invited SakyaPanditaKungaGyaltsan [1182-1251], a highly revered Buddhist master
of Sakya school of Tibetan Buddhism. In 1247, Godan and SakyaPandita met at
Liangzhou, the present day Parig region of Amdo[6]. But this
place could be the present day Wuwei city in Gansu province above the Amdo
region of Tibet.
SakyaPandita taught Godan
starting with the Buddhist concept of refuge-taking, the law of Karma and
generating Bodhisattva's mind. The latter was so impressed with the teaching
and he made Buddhism the State religion. As Tibet was under his influence at
that time, the Prince gave SakyaPandita temporal authority over the thirteen
myriarchies [Tib: Khri 'khorbcugsum] of Central Tibet.[7]
In a letter written by
SakyaPandita to Tibetans leaders from the Mongol court, he advised everyone to
accommodate the Mongol's power and refrain from any violent action which would
not be of mutual benefit. In the letter he writes toward the end:
diverse teachers and powerful figures of China, Tibet, Uighur, Tangut etc.
listen to my teachings with great appreciations. They [Mongols] respect me
greatly. Have no concerns about how Mongols will treat us here. All may keep
these words in mind and stay at peace.[8]
It is clear from the letter
that China, Tibet, Uighur, Tangut etc. were distinct entities and SakyaPandita
being revered by the people of these countries was advising them out of his
concern for everyone.
China has quoted the meeting
between the Godan and SakyaPandita and the latter's note to claim Tibet as a
part of China. It says:
meeting is called the 'Liangzhou Talk' in history, after which the
'SakyaPandita's Letter to the Tubo People' was issued, which thus officially
incorporated Tibet into Chinese territory and made it an administrative region
under the central government of the Yuan Dynasty.[9]
It further says:
historical event of the Liangzhou Talk is a landmark moment in the history of
the development of Tibet-Central Government relations. The Mongolian and
Tibetan people have made significant contributions to the peaceful
reunification of the motherland and the development of ethic unity.[10]
It is irrational on the part
of China's to claim over Tibet on the basis of the aforementioned assertion.
Here it is the relationship between Mongol and Tibet, and China is only an
outsider who came under Mongol rule in 1279 CE. Kublai Khan declared the establishment
of the Yuan Dynasty in 1271, much before it annexed the China's southern Sung
Empire. Therefore, China's claim on the Yuan Dynasty does not hold any
SakyaPandita, passing his
religious authority to one of his nephews, Phagpa, died in 1251 in Liangzhou
and Prince Godan too died in the same year.
Mongke Khan, the grandson of
Genghis khan and the eldest son of Tolui took over. During his reign, the
Mongol empire extended greatly in the east and as well as the west and other
directions. Kublai Khan, the second son of Tolui, invited Phagpa to his capital
Shangdu in Inner Mongolia. Despite the differences at the initial stage, Kublai
Khan and his Queen Chabu and many of the Mongolian ministers and officials
became devoted Buddhists and Buddhism further gained popularity throughout the
regions. Kublai Khan gave Phagpa full authority over the three provinces of
Tibet and the Sakya Lamas began to rule Tibet since 1254 CE. It was also
recorded that at the request of SakyaPandita Kublai Khan stopped the annual
ritual of drowning Chinese to check the Chinese population [Tib: Gya'i me
This was all before Kublai Khan became the Great Khan of Mongolia.
Around13th century, there was
northern Jin empire and southern Sung. They were in perpetual fight over the
territories. Ogodai, the third son of Genghis Khan conquered Jin empire in
1234, and started campaign to invade the southern Sung empire. It was finally
in 1279 that the whole Sung Empire came under the direct rule of Kublai Khan
who already has assumed the title of Yuan in 1271 to rule the eastern
territories of the Mongol empire and made Beijing its capital.
What was there around that
time was: Mongolia, East Turkestan, Tibet, Tangut, Dali, Jin, Sung, Korea,
Burma, Vietnam, etc. They all came under the influence of Mongol empire, the
Yuan dynasty. Historical map around that period may givebetter picture about
what China we are all talking about. [DIIR map-3, The Mongols and Tibet]

There is no denying the fact
that Tibet came under Mongol's sphere of influence at different period of its
history. But it was a very special relationship of Priest-patron [Tib:
Chos-yon] under Godan Khan and Kublai Khan. Mongol did not rule Tibet directly;
it was left to the Tibetans only. This all happened before the establishment of
Kublai Khan's Yuan dynasty in 1271 CE to rule the Mongol's eastern conquest.
Southern Sung of China finally came under Mongol's rule in 1279. This clearly
shows that China was only a part of the conquered territories of the Yuan
More importantly, Kublai Khan
and his successors tried organizing the territories under the Yuan Empire into
different provinces. This was finally achieved during the 5th Yuan Emperor
Shidebala, Yingzong [r. 1321-1323], in which the Yuan empire was divided into
twelve provinces for political and administrative purposes.[12] This map was
officially published in China in 1914. It includes all the territories under
their direct rules, but we don't find Tibet in it. This goes on to say that
Tibet was never considered a part of the Yuan Empire. Therefore, the Chinese
assertion is doubly unfounded. [DIIR map-5, the 12 provinces of Yuan Empire]

Lastly, whatever influence
that Mongol held on Tibet, it was shelved in 1350 when PhagdruJangchubGyaltsan[r.
1350-1364] took over Tibet from the Sakya's rule and declared Tibetan
independence from any Mongol influence. China gained independence from the
Mongol only in 1368, i.e. eighteen years later.
Therefore, China's claim that
Tibet was a part of China because the Yuan Dynasty is baseless and unfounded.
Yuan Dynasty was a Mongol Dynasty under which Tibet, China and many other Asian
nations came under its direct and indirect influence.
* This paper was presented during
"Mongolia and Tibet Cultural and Religious Symposium" on 6th
November, 2019 at Tibet Policy Institute, Dharamsala, India.
David Morgan, The Mongols, Basil Blackwell Inc., 1987, New York, USA
Department of Information &
International Relations, The Mongols and
Tibet, Reprint 2009, Dharamsala, India
JigmeRigpaiDorje ('Jig med rig pai'
rdorje), Horgyichos 'byungbzhugs so,
mTsosngo mi rigs dpeskrunkhang, 1993, Tibet
Kwanten Luc Herman, Tibetan-Mongol Relations During the Yuan
Dynasty (1207-1368),Ph.D thesis, University of South Carolina, 1972, USA
ShakabpaTsepon W.D., Tibet A Political History, Potala
Publications, 1984, New York, USA
The Liangzhou Talk between Godan and SakyaPandita
Morgan, The Mongols, p-56
[2] Also known
by the Western Xia or Xi Xia, it was known by Tibetan as Mi-nyak
[3] DIIR, The
Mongols and Tibet, p-2, 2nd edition, 2009
[4]Kwanten Luc
Herman, Tibetan-Mongol Relations during the Yuan dynasty, p-50, p-52, p-57, Phd
thesis, 1972
[5]Shakabpa, Tibet a Political History, p-61
[6] DIIR, The Mongols and Tibet, p-11. But Shakabpa says it is
Lan-chou, the capital city of Kansu, p-63
[7]Shakabpa, p-63
[8] DIIR, The Mongols and Tibet, p-14
[9] The Liangzhou Talk between Godan and SakyaPandita,
[10] ibid
[11]Shakabpa, p-65
[12] DIIR, The Mongols and
Tibet, p-21