June 5, 2020
Screengrab image of P Stobdan, a former Ambassador to the Kyrgyz Republic’s interview on Aaj Tak on 29 May 2020. |
On 29 May 2020, during a nationally televised debate on the
Indo-China border face-off, Phunchok Stobdan, a former Ambassador to the
Kyrgyz Republic, made an unnecessary and crudely-worded assault on His
Holiness the Dalai Lama. The nature of the attack and the manner in
which it was made has shocked diplomats and scholars and has hurt the
sentiments not just of Tibetans inside and outside Tibet, but also
Ladakhis and Buddhists around the world.
Dr. Lobsang Sangay, the President of the Central Tibetan
Administration (CTA), issued a statement saying that P. Stobdan’s
comment on His Holiness the Dalai Lama was deplorable and out of
context. “President Dr Sangay further added that those sharing the views
of P Stobdan are marginal and the majority of the people in Ladakh
deeply revere His Holiness as their most beloved spiritual and moral
Many Ladakhis came out in a strong protest against P. Stobdan, for
his disrespectful remarks and blasphemy against Tsawai Lama, the
spiritual guru. “Major associations in Ladakh such as Ladakh Buddhist
Association, All Ladakh Gompa Association, LBA Youth Wing and Women
Wing, The Thiksey and Diskit monasteries, Muslim association in Leh as
well as the Anjuman Jamiat-ul-Ulama Isna Ashriya Muslim association in
Kargil, Likir Monastery Gaden Dhargyas Ling, the Merchant Association of
Leh, Office of the Nambardar Spituk, President Kunfan Deytsogs Tsgospa
Spituk and ‘Leh Phung Do’ Nambardars and Lower Leh Nambardars (village
leaders) in Leh, D.L. Pethub Khangtsen Education Society in Leh, Galdan
Targaisling Cultural & Welfare Society Pethup Gonpa in Leh,
Dre-Lukhil Khangtsen Education Society and Ngari Institute of Buddhist
Dialectics have issued statements in contempt of the remarks.”
The associations and the monasteries had also demanded an “unconditional apology” from Stobdan
3. Feeling great pressure from all corners, P. Stobdan gave an apology through a video message and a short note as follows:
“In the wake of Chinese intrusion in Eastern Ladakh from early this
month, I have been requested by several national and international media
channels to give my expert comments. As an authority on national
security issues, I have been making several geopolitical comments on the
defense of Ladakh land and the nation. These are my personal views on
the issue and do not reflect the opinion of any organisation or society.
H.H the Dalai Lama is our supreme religious head who I deeply revere. I
have attended several teachings, including Kalachakra initiations by
him. Therefore, there is no question of profaning him from the spiritual
angle. These are purely expert geopolitical comments pertaining to the
border-standoff with China. However, if the sentiments of some people
are hurt by my comments, I deeply extend apology.”
Although the manner of the speech on national television, the anger,
and the facial contortion are all scarcely befitting of any scholar or
security expert’s demeanour, Buddhism has taught us to forgive and
forget. After all, the point of contention is Chinese border incursion,
and India and Tibetans have a common interest in this fight against
Chinese aggression.
However, P. Stobdan has later given an interview to The Print, an
Indian online newspaper. This interview betrays the reason behind the
hateful speech against His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The reason cited
reveals P. Stobdan’s anti-Dalai Lama and anti-Tibetan refugee stance,
which he has elaborated in detail in his book, The Great Game in the
Buddhist Himalayas.
He said, “Ladakh is not Tibetan or Chinese land,
this is India’s land. If Tibetan government is in exile, then what are
they doing in Ladakh? Ladakh belongs to the Ladakhis and India, and
there can be no compromise.”
Such statements are deplorable, divisive and dangerous. It is like
playing into the hands of the Chinese Communist regime, i.e. creating
misinformation, confusion and division, and finally attacking when the
internal discord is at the peak. It is the Chinese who invaded Tibet,
now they are after Ladakh and other border areas of India. It is
preposterous to think that Tibetans are claiming Ladakh. It is the
Chinese Communist regime that we should be wary of, not the Tibetan
Administration in exile! What genuine security expert could think of
such a false notion!
At this difficult time of the Chinese Coronavirus pandemic and the
aggressive border intrusions, we all need to unite and fight together
for our common cause. Instead of attacking the big bully China, P.
Stobdan blames His Holiness the Dalai Lama for bringing the Chinese at
the border, that too in very coarse and defamatory language. Such
unfounded views and accusations from a former diplomat and a scholar are
bound to create misunderstanding and division, and it will adversely
affect our joint capacity to ward off the Chinese aggression. This is
against the national interest of India and the Tibetans. Should there be
any infighting, it will only make China happy and render India’s border
more vulnerable.
His article, “Ladakh concern overrides LAC dispute” in The Tribune,
drags the Fifth Dalai Lama [1617-1682 CE] into the dispute and smears
6. In his book, he writes, “The Tibetan presence in the
Himalayan region cannot be dismissed as a mere political incident. It is
the result of a brilliant strategy and flawless execution of China’s
Rather than challenge the enemy at the border, P. Stobdan wants to
divert India’s attention to a falsified history and prove who has
brought the Chinese at the borders! Let me briefly dwell on history and
see if it is anyone’s brilliant strategy.
Tibet has been an independent nation since ancient times. India and
Tibet shared a long historical, religious and cultural relationship. The
long borders between the two nations have been among the most peaceful
borders in the world. According to the ancient Indian Rigveda and
Atharvaveda, Tibet is Trivistapa
8 [the heavenly abode], with
the Mount Kailash as the center or navel of the earth, the abode of Lord
Shiva and Parvati. Tibetans look at India as Aryabhumi, a holy land,
blessed by Lord Buddha and many renowned masters. This sacred bond is
the background of Indo-Tibet’s relationship since ancient times.
In 1949, the Chinese Communist Party took over China, established the
People’s Republic of China and it began to assert its claim on Tibet.
When Tibet refused to join the Republic, China sent 40,000 armed troops
to Eastern Tibet, invaded the region and threatened to enter Lhasa
forcefully. Being a Buddhist and peaceful nation, Tibet had no arms and
ammunitions to confront the Chinese machine guns and artillery. The
young Dalai Lama and his cabinet members fervently sought help from
India and the international community, to intervene and stop the Chinese
occupation. But no help came. China forced Tibet to sign the 17-point
agreement and took over Tibet. Continued silence from the international
community further emboldened China to violate the agreement and commit
genocide in Tibet. This culminated in the 10 March 1959 Tibetans’
national uprising, which was brutally crushed and resulted in the loss
of many lives. His Holiness the Dalai Lama escaped Tibet to India,
followed by some 80,000 Tibetans. This is Tibetan’s refugee story. Does
anyone see any conspiracy in this by His Holiness the Dalai Lama with
China against India?
Mao had said the occupation of Tibet is a must; Tibet is like a palm
of a hand, a very strategic place. From there, through the five fingers
of Nepal, Ladakh, Arunachal, Bhutan and Sikkim, China can control other
regions. An attempt to realize this is what we are seeing now.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama always says, “India is our guru and
Tibetans are the chela, that too a very reliable chela.” On countless
occasions, on numerous domestic and global platforms, he has appreciated
and thanked India for all the help extended to the Tibetan community,
and said he considers himself “a son of India”. One of his four major
commitments is to promote and preserve the teachings of the ancient
Indian Nalanda masters. To question His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s
integrity and loyalty, in such a twisted fashion, is like profaning the
sacred bond that Indians and Tibetans have shared since ancient times.
If any doubt still persists, please refer to the CTA’s President Dr.
Lobsang Sangay’s statement where he has made clear that Ladakh,
Arunachal and Sikkim are part of India.
With due respect to P. Stobdan for his expertise in geopolitics and
national security, I request him not to attempt to severe this ancient
sacred bond between India and Tibet, for reasons known best only to him.
We should instead unite and fight the aggressor at the borders. If he
still wants to go back to history, let me conclude with what Dr. Bhimrao
Ambedkar, the father of the Indian Constitution, has said:
“Instead of according recognition to China in 1949, had India accorded
this recognition to Tibet, there would have been no Sino-Indian border
conflict. By letting China take control over Lhasa, we have in a way
helped the Chinese to bring their armies on the Indian borders.”
1 https://tibet.net/152359-2/
2 https://tibet.net/152359-2/
3 https://theprint.in/diplomacy/stobdan-sorry-for-remarks-on-dalai-lama-but-says-spiritual-leader-also-a-geopolitical-entity/433499/
4 https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/j-k/leh-shuts-over-p-stobdans-statement-on-the-dalai-lama-92920
5 https://theprint.in/diplomacy/stobdan-sorry-for-remarks-on-dalai-lama-but-says-spiritual-leader-also-a-geopolitical-entity/433499/
6 https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/comment/ladakh-concern-overrides-lac-dispute-90880
7 Phunchok Stodan, The Great Game in the Buddhist Himalayas, p-xii
8 Mathan, Journal of Social & Academic Activism, Jan-Mar 2020 issue, p-20
9 https://www.ibtimes.co.in/ladakh-belongs-india-tibet-sides-india-exposes-chinas-expansionist-tactics-821586
10 Indian Leaders on Tibet, India Tibet Coordination Office, p-25-26